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Rohit is an investor, startup advisor and an Application Modernization Scale Specialist working at Google.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Don't Use Netflix Eureka For Service Discovery

So  … there are multiple issues with Eureka
  1. Deprecated by Netflix and no longer maintained by Pivotal/VMware.  So no long term future maintainer.
  2. The whole world seems to have moved on to either the service discovery provided natively by the platform like Kube DNS (Kubernetes) or Bosh DNS (Cloud Foundry) or service meshes (Istio) or service networking product like Consul.  See replacing-netflix-eureka-with-kubernetes-services and polyglot-service-discovery-container-networking-cloud-foundry 
  3. Eureka does not work with Container to Container networking
  4. Stale Service Registry Problem - Eureka & Ribbon don’t react quickly enough to apps coming up and down due to aggressive caching see making-service-discovery-responsive

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