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Rohit is an investor, startup advisor and an Application Modernization Scale Specialist working at Google.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

How to choose between PAS (Cloud Foundry - PaaS) and PKS(Kubernetes - CaaS)

This seems to be the question on the top of everybody's mind.  There are multiple ways of framing this decision. Several decision trees have been drawn up on this topic including these

credit @jxxf

App Transformation Decision Tree
These diagrams can be summarized as follows from a PAS and PKS perspective as follows : PKS is ideal for stateful and persistent pinned workloads, commercially packaged software, short-lived apps/workloads, software distributed via Helm chart, apps using non-standard port behavior and legacy, zero-factor, apps and complex apps already packaged as docker images and well along the containerization journey. PAS is ideal for custom-built software targeting Windows or Linux, software packaged as ear, jar and war files, web applications, APIs, batch jobs and streaming and reactive applications.

Looking at this decision tree someone who is further along on the dockerization journey may comment that the decision tree is biased towards PAS. You may take the view that if the workload(app) requires ANY or non-zero code changes to migrate to the PAS then the default destination should be PKS. How does one resolve this conflict?

The scientific method creates a hypothesis and then validate/refute the assumptions that led to the hypothesis. In this blog post, I will explain the science between choosing a destination (Cloud Foundry or Kubernetes) for your workload and establishing a migration factory that drives the transformation of all your apps to the right destination in the cloud.

Why should PAS (Cloud Foundry) be the default Choice?

First, let me explain why the default choice in the above picture is PAS aka Cloud foundry. Developers should operate at the highest level of abstraction. The easiest place to change and test your code is in in-place in the inner loop.  Cloud Foundry allows you to use the current currency of your developers i.e. war, jar, ear files.  Cloud Foundry provides a set of top-notch validated developer abstractions for running applications whereas Kubernetes provides a top-notch platform to build a platform. Kelsey Hightower has reinforced this

Kubernetes is an infrastructure framework. It's YAML based configuration files and the kubectl command line tool make it approachable to developers, but far from the developer productivity, you find in a PaaS or FaaS platform.

A common principle in manufacturing is that we should always detect and fix any problem in the production process at the lowest-value stage possible. When developing applications Cloud Foundry gives you a chance to develop faster and get productive by focusing on the inner loop of development and not worrying about non-functional concerns like service discovery, resiliency, stability, routing, security.  K8s is maturing very fast and these app concerns are being baked into the platform via various CNCF Projects and SIGs. There are some promising projects that are improving the K8s development experience including IstioKnative, Buildpacks, and spring-cloud-kubernetes; however, the beauty of an opinionated platform like CF that these choices are already made and you don't have to roll out a custom stack every time you develop an app. See challenges of containerization here.  also don't realize that the constraints of first generation PaaS systems (Heroku, Google Cloud Engine, CF v1) are all gone.  Many developers, architects, and managers still think of those first-generation PaaS constraints when considering PCF, and specifically, the Pivotal Application Service (PAS). Richard Seroter has demolished this myth in his 5 part series.

What Outcomes are you driving for the Cloud Acceleration / Migration Factory?

Technical decisions taken in a vacuum without influence from business drivers are destined to fail. Therefore before picking a choice, it is critical to examine the business motivators and your specific constraints.  So what is the science between picking the right destination for your workload ?. Its a combination of three factors - 1. technical feasibility 2. business value and 3. human factors. Any factor can tilt the decision to go towards PAS or PKS. This decision is also on a per deployable basis. For a large logical app you may components and modules on both PAS or PKS. 

1. Technical Feasibility: Where does the app fall on the cloud-native spectrum of 15 factors? Cloud Nativity can be ascertained through a tool like SNAP or automation via the various scanners. This analysis is done on the current state and has NO cloud influence. A scoring system is established with 0 being completely cloud-non-native, persistent and stateful and with 15 being completely cloud-native. It is helpful to think of workloads along an axis like this one ...

2. Business Value: Next a determination needs to be made on the strategic business value of this application. Is this application under heavy development. Are the feature and functions of this application critical to the survival and growth of our organization. A scoring of the application under business factors needs to be made. So what are the business factors? They can look like these ...
  • Ongoing Development Cost
  • Infrastructure Cost 
  • Software License Cost
  • Operations Cost 
  • Overall value to the Business  
  • Lead time for Changes
  • Business Priority
  • Business Criticality
  • User Satisfaction 
A score between 1-10 is determined based on a weighted average of all the contributed factors. 

3. Human Factors: Once the technical feasibility score and business value of an app is determined it is time to determine the wave of applications by arranging the apps in a matrix. Apps can be rearranged here arbitrarily based on knowns and unknowns that escaped the technical and business feasibility analysis. As the destination, PAS or PKS is chosen it is critical to understand the outcomes derived from each choice of platform and transformation activity such as rehost  (0 code changes also called lift' n ' shift, little or no configuration changes), replatform, refactor or rebuild.
  • Rehost: Containerize to “lift and shift” into Pivotal Container Services (PKS)
  • Replatform:  Upgrade an application from its existing platform adhering to the least possible 15 factors to get it to run on PAS, preserving existing functionality
  • Refactor: Changes to apps with high business priority, transactional load  to get them to 15 factor Cloud Native using Cloud Native architectural patterns
  • Rebuild: Leverage DDD techniques to deconstruct and migrate a complex and monolithic application to the cloud. 

The benefits of containerization to PKS include decreased infrastructure use, automated zero touch deployments with CI/CD,  reduce extensive & manual change management processes by using CI/CD and increased Multi-Cloud portability. If the underlying architecture and tech stack remain unchanged most of the gains are in OPEX related in operational efficiency.

However; rehosting to PKS will not eliminate the cost of proprietary stacks (RHEL, WebSphere, Weblogic, TIBCO) whereas replatforming will typically lead to the elimination of proprietary middleware licenses and decreased effort to patch & upgrade of software by the platform.

A more comprehensive refactoring or rebuild to a cloud-native application running on PAS yields CAPEX benefits like decreased time to scale, decreased MTTR for applications, proactive monitoring of KPI’s of applications,  increased deployment Frequency with CI/CD, reduced Lead Time, reduction of tight service coupling, increased automated testing & test data management as part of CI/CD pipeline and all this leads to increased developer productivity and satisfaction.

Containerization is the only fraction of the opportunity. Driving efficiency of the developer via XP practices and a product mindset on a PaaS is the whole opportunity. 80% of your development cost is labor and people, not infrastructure. Improve productivity by increasing leverage and producing better and faster with the same team.

What does the Cloud Migration Factory look like?

The process part of the migration factory where we take in a large number of raw materials and assemble meaningful parts was explained earlier. Once we have all the components in a factory it is time to assemble a coherent meaningful product. This is where a funnel and a codification of the process above helps. Once all the data is visualized you need to plan the waves of apps again based on the outcomes in the transformation program. It is critical that we measure key indicators and journey markers to ensure that we are realizing the outcomes planned before. These KPIs could be as varied as Percentage of portfolio running on PCF, Number of developers enabled on cloud-native, App Transformation decision framework in place, amount of time taken from idea to production and Developer Engagement with the platform and ROI from infrastructure and license consolidation.

In the end, none of the benefits of the cloud be it PAS or PKS or PFS can ONLY be realized with a change in the existing agilefall or waterfall-agile development process. It is critical to implement a value stream that emphasizes pace and progressive delivery. Without the confidence of automated tests and removal of headaches from continuous deployment, a cloud platform (Bare-metal, IaaS, CaaS, PaaS) from God won't help realize the desired outcomes.

Finally whatever your journey - please remember the law of the hammer - "If the only tool you have is a hammer, you treat everything as if it were a nail." Fight this cognitive bias and leverage the right choice PAS AND PKS for your apps driving the business outcomes that matter. 

Good Luck!


The blog post is a synthesis of the work of many colleagues in Pivotal and Pivotal AppTx including Richard Seroter, Joe Szodfridt, Shaun Anderson, Vinay Upadhya and others. You can checkout the Pivotal AppTx mission at https://pivotal.io/application-transformation and our whitepaper at https://content.pivotal.io/application-modernization/pivotal-practices-application-transformation

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

How do you modernize an Oracle Forms application to the Cloud ?


  1. Wrap it in PKS ... no touch 0 refactoring. 
  2. Replatform it with  [Forms2ADF](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/jheadstart/overview/index.html). Chain with ADF to JSF migrator.
  3. Refactor with a ground up rewrite and deploy to PAS
  4. Create a Oracle Forms custom buildpack for running apps unchanged in PAS
Pick one that you think leads to the outcome desired. If the app is strategic then pick the refactoring option to PAS where you would you expend energy cataloging the pl/sql (e.g., stored procs (ins/outs)) to see what entities, value objects and aggregates fall out or just rewrite from scrap and start again with a bottom-up domain modeling exercise? aka a full rewrite 

In Oracle Forms the majority of the business  logic is actually PL/SQL- the forms just skins all the resultsets.There is a whole cottage industry for [forms migration](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/forms/oracle-forms-migration-partners-098680.html) You can  migrate to ADF and then run ADF on tomcat with It  the JHeadstart Forms2ADF Generator that allows you to transform Oracle Forms applications directly to ADF applications, thereby protecting your investments when moving to the JEE (Java Enterprise Edition) development platform. [Convert Oracle Forms To Modern Web Application]

First of all, the very thought of converting Oracle Forms to something else as-is is wrong..The entire task is an expensive time-consuming futile effort. It probably is as good as using your black and white camera for capturing videos without even upgrading it! Most of the transactional forms are heavy and designed with 20 year old technology. So it is better to leave them alone for as long as they work. In cases you absolutely want to redo the Oracle forms, it is advisable to plan a proper migration (no short-cuts) to leverage the latest and greatest technology, that can probably be maintained for another 20 years.

When there are a lot of stored procedures .. you have deep coupling with the DB schemas … these apps will take a LOT to refactor. Enterprises should save :$$$ by just using a migration partner that does this migration and then deploy that java code on the PAS

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Modernizing the Monolithic User Interface

There is a lot of treatment on the topic of decomposing a monolithic applications. Most of the existing literature deals with disentangling the business logic into logical bounded contexts and sub-domains. Not enough attention is paid to the separation, composition and co-existence of of the new user interface with the old user interface. So what are the techniques for decomposing and modernizing User Interfaces from a legacy UI technology like  Oracle ADF to a modern composable javascript based UI.

Plethora of options for UI decomposition
The existing theory of microservices UI  composition leads us towards micro-frontends.  How does one stitch together a series of micro-frontends decomposed from a monolithic UI ? What are the different options available to decompose a monolithic frontend and assemble a modernized micro-frontend UI.

  1. Monolithic UI
  2. Single Page Application Javasceript  (SPA) meta- framework single-spa
  3. Micro Front-Ends - micro-frontends
  4. Front End Server Transclusion  microservice-websites
  5. Mosaic project-mosaic-front-end-services
  6. Single SPA with multiple similar apps
  7. Resource Oriented Architecture roca
  8. iFrame Palooza iframes

So which option did we chose ? Option # 6
