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Rohit is an investor, startup advisor and an Application Modernization Scale Specialist working at Google.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Why is AWS Number #1 in the Cloud ??

I will let you in on a secret. It's not their gazillion managed services. It's not their 5 year head start in the cloud. Its because of the AWS Workload consumption engine. The AWS engine to drive consumption of cloud services is par none.

AWS does a phenomenal job of sparking consumption .. their key assets being 

1. 7Rs framework 

2. AWS Migration Hub (Migration Tracking, Migration tooling for discovery and planning, Migration Technology for app profiling and workload discovery) https://aws.amazon.com/migration-hub/ 

3. AWS Migration Acceleration Program https://aws.amazon.com/migration-acceleration-program/ 

4. AWS Cloud Adoption Framework https://aws.amazon.com/professional-services/CAF/ 

5. AWS Well Architected Framework https://aws.amazon.com/architecture/well-architected/ 

6. AWS Managed Services https://aws.amazon.com/managed-services/

Sparking consumption is a combination of these plays and needs everyone (Pre-sales, Solutions, PSO & Partners) to execute with assets and programs to match.

This is the bar set for all hyperscalars and wannabes :-)

Insights From State Of Spring 2020 Survey

From a strategy perspective the State Of Spring 2020 survey https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/ebooks/state-of-spring-2020 - a

:spring-1844:  survey of 1024  :spring-1844: developers -  is a must read.   Here is the TL;DRTop 10  insights here as it pertains to :kubernetes: (:java: => :container_runtime: ) GTM

  • The majority of the growth in Spring Boot applications, will come from new projects (82%), followed by enhancements to existing apps (56%), and migration of legacy apps (53%).
  • By far the largest use case for Spring is now development of internal and external APIs
  • Almost all respondents (95%) will containerize their Spring Boot apps, with 65% already doing so and a further 30% planning to.
  • Of the 95% of Spring users that are containerizing their apps, 44% have already deployed on Kubernetes, and a further 31% plan to do so within the next 12 months. Migration of containerized Spring Boot apps to Kubernetes is well underway, and most plan to complete the migration in a 12-month time window
  • Other than core-spring and spring-boot, Spring Security, Spring Data and Spring MVC are the top projects with Spring-webflux getting a honorable mention
  • Reactive (Project Reactor) and Serverless (Spring Cloud Functions) significantly lag the use of spring for microservices
  • Spring Cloud Portfolio is popular. 1) Spring Cloud Services 2) Spring Cloud Gateway 3) Spring Cloud Data Flow
  • Respondents recognize that the scale, strength and diversity of the open source Spring ecosystem is one of the greatest assets of the platform.
  • Developers struggle to understand what all the components do and how to apply them, while a smaller group are looking for greater runtime efficiencies for their Spring-based applications like reduced memory footprint and start time.
  • Enthusiasm for GraalVM is growing, with 14% already using it to some degree whilst another 26% plan to use it, enabling a reduction in memory usage and faster startup times.