A number times I get queries on how to create an offline version of the WebSphere Liberty Profile Buildpack. Here are the high level steps with some color added, where the instructions are not clear for creating an Offline version of the liberty buildpack.
The instructions below assume access to the internet. Once the buildpack is created then you can push applications to it. The compile process of the buildpack will find all the dependencies within the buildpack.
The steps below should be automated in a CI pipeline. For an example of a CI pipeline that generates the liberty offline buildpack head over to travis.
## Instructions Loosely Followed:
If you have customization to WebSphere and JRE binaries.- [Forking The Buildpack](https://github.com/cloudfoundry/ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack/blob/master/docs/forking.md)
If you have NO customization to WebSphere and JRE binaries.
- [How to install the Buildpack into your Cloud Foundry release](https://github.com/cloudfoundry/ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack/blob/master/docs/installation.md)
## Download WAS and JRE Binaries
https://developer.ibm.com/assets/wasdev/#asset/runtimes-wlp-runtime wlp runtime jar and others needed needed to setup repository see below ...
- IBM 64-bit SDK for Linux on AMD64/EM64T architecture, Java Technology Edition
- Simple unzip with license (InstallAnywhere root not required)
ibm-java-jre-8.0-3.0-x86_64-archive.bin (111 MB)
-rw-r--r--@ 1 kelapr 720748206 147038277 Apr 30 00:06 ibm-java-x86_64-sdk-8.0-3.0.bin
-rw-r--r--@ 1 kelapr 720748206 62753431 Apr 30 00:00 wlp-runtime-
## Structure the binaries into a repository and create the appropriate index.yml files
https://github.com/cloudfoundry/ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack/blob/master/docs/util-repositories.md#setting-up-your-web-serverCopy license files from
Push these binaries to the cloud using the static file buildpack
Dir. Structure before push...
~/Downloads/liberty8559❯ tree -f .
├── ./Staticfile
└── ./buildpack
├── ./buildpack/jre
│ ├── ./buildpack/jre/ibm-java-jre-8.0-3.0-x86_64-archive-License.html
│ ├── ./buildpack/jre/ibm-java-jre-8.0-3.0-x86_64-archive.bin
│ └── ./buildpack/jre/index.yml
└── ./buildpack/wlp
├── ./buildpack/wlp/index.yml
├── ./buildpack/wlp/wlp-developers-runtime-
├── ./buildpack/wlp/wlp-javaee7-
├── ./buildpack/wlp/wlp-kernel-
├── ./buildpack/wlp/wlp-runtime-
└── ./buildpack/wlp/wlp-webProfile7-
Modify the index.yml files after pushing for the first time and then repush
~/Downloads/liberty8559❯ cf push liberty-repo
Updating app liberty-repo in org pivot-rkelapure / space development as rkelapure@pivotal.io...
Another way of creating a repository is to run the dependency-builder; however configuring and running the dependency builder takes time and is error prone. Your best chance of success is to handcraft the repository based on your custom websphere binaries. If you have NO access to the internet when running the package rake task THEN you will need to setup a repository with not only WAS and JRE binaries but also all the third party binaries that are used like dynatrace, appdynamics etc.,
Modify the code in ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack/config/ibmjdk.yml to point to the pushed JRE.
Modify the code in ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack/config/liberty.yml to point to pushed Liberty.
Create the offline buildpack
Create a licenses.yml based on the license files uploaded above
It is critical that the repository index.yml (specifically the wlp/index.yml) are setup right otherwise you will see errors like these...
rake aborted!
undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass
/Users/kelapr/git/ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack/resources/download_buildpack_cache.rb:155:in `filename'
/Users/kelapr/git/ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack/resources/download_buildpack_cache.rb:64:in `block in download_cache'
/Users/kelapr/git/ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack/resources/download_buildpack_cache.rb:47:in `each'
/Users/kelapr/git/ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack/resources/download_buildpack_cache.rb:47:in `download_cache'
/Users/kelapr/git/ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack/Rakefile:95:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
/Users/kelapr/git/ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack/Rakefile:78:in `block in <top (required)>'
/Users/kelapr/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p545/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `eval'
/Users/kelapr/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p545/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `<main>'
## Generate the Buildpack
kelapr @ usxxkelaprm2 in ~/git/ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack on git:master x [18:31:11]$ bundle exec rake 'package[,*,]'
This will generate the offline IBM WebSphere Buildpack one dir. above
You can confirm the output location from the following line
/Users/kelapr/git/ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack.zip as a buildpack zip output file
Once the buildpack is created. you will find all the cached dependencies inside
$ unzip -vl ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack.zip
Archive: ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack.zip
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----
0 Stored 0 0% 05-01-16 18:26 00000000 admin_cache/
31318727 Defl:N 30838619 2% 05-01-16 18:24 7d5deee0 admin_cache/http%3A%2F%2Fdownloads.dynatracesaas.com%2F6.3%2Fdynatrace-agent-unix.jar.cached
82 Defl:N 76 7% 05-01-16 18:24 edd887d4 admin_cache/http%3A%2F%2Fdownloads.dynatracesaas.com%2Fcloudfoundry%2Fbuildpack%2Fjava%2Findex.yml.cached
71744 Defl:N 20247 72% 05-01-16 18:24 e514cbb9 admin_cache/http%3A%2F%2Fliberty-repo.cfapps.pez.pivotal.io%2Fbuildpack%2Fjre%2Fibm-java-jre-8.0-3.0-x86_64-archive-License.html.cached
115512196 Defl:N 114652626 1% 05-01-16 18:25 7b5cfed8 admin_cache/http%3A%2F%2Fliberty-repo.cfapps.pez.pivotal.io%2Fbuildpack%2Fjre%2Fibm-java-jre-8.0-3.0-x86_64-archive.bin.cached
234 Defl:N 124 47% 05-01-16 18:24 f5c67578 admin_cache/http%3A%2F%2Fliberty-repo.cfapps.pez.pivotal.io%2Fbuildpack%2Fjre%2Findex.yml.cached
596 Defl:N 171 71% 05-01-16 18:25 f94f0939 admin_cache/http%3A%2F%2Fliberty-repo.cfapps.pez.pivotal.io%2Fbuildpack%2Fwlp%2Findex.yml.cached
60989 Defl:N 18625 70% 05-01-16 18:25 44573b38 admin_cache/http%3A%2F%2Fliberty-repo.cfapps.pez.pivotal.io%2Fbuildpack%2Fwlp%2Fwlp-developers-runtime-
67959662 Defl:N 67748071 0% 05-01-16 18:26 588faaec admin_cache/http%3A%2F%2Fliberty-repo.cfapps.pez.pivotal.io%2Fbuildpack%2Fwlp%2Fwlp-webProfile7-
1487 Defl:N 183 88% 05-01-16 18:25 f74bed4e admin_cache/https%3A%2F%2Fdl.zeroturnaround.com%2Fjrebel%2Findex.yml.cached
27633836 Defl:N 25152183 9% 05-01-16 18:25 04291789 admin_cache/https%3A%2F%2Fdl.zeroturnaround.com%2Fjrebel%2Freleases%2Fjrebel-6.4.3-nosetup.zip.cached
11656197 Defl:N 11640688 0% 05-01-16 18:24 a9417282 admin_cache/https%3A%2F%2Fdownload.run.pivotal.io%2Fapp-dynamics%2Fapp-dynamics-4.1.8_5.zip.cached
## Update PCF with Buildpack and push application with custom buildpack
# kelapr @ usxxkelaprm2 in ~/git [19:11:47]$ cf create-buildpack rliberty ./ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack.zip 10 --enable
cf push spring-music -p build/libs/spring-music.war -b rliberty
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