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Rohit is an investor, startup advisor and an Application Modernization Scale Specialist working at Google.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Migrating apps to Cloud Foundry Deigo Runtime

Cloud Foundry has been rebased on a new runtime Deigo

You can follow the steps below to migrate your app with least disruption from the existing DEA VMs to the Deigo cells

 (1) Deploy DEAs & Diego Side by Side when deploying the 1.6.x ERT.  
 (2) Set "Use Diego by default instead of DEAs” = true
 (3) Set "cf curl /v2/apps/APP_GUID -d '{"diego": true}' -X PUT “ for pre-exsiting DEA deployed apps
 (4) Test/Trigger app restages onto Diego as time permits

If any of your apps use the VCAP_APP_PORT variable. Please refactor to simply use the PORT env var. 

Please read this Pivotal Technote that provides details on the migration steps

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