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Rohit is an investor, startup advisor and an Application Modernization Scale Specialist working at Google.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Debugging DEA Issues on Cloud Foundry - Halloween Edition

Ever wondered why Cloud Foundry does not support ssh'ing into the warden container. Such a feature could be useful in so many situations - TechOps, Troubleshooting, Debugging etc. cf-ssh is coming to Cloud Foundry via Diego; however till you deploy Diego in production you will need to live with the process below to ssh into a particular application instance warden container.

# Step 1 - Find app guid

C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\FizzBuzz>cf app --guid fizzbuzz

# Step 2 - Find DEA IP address and port

C:\Users\Administrator\workspace\FizzBuzz>cf curl /v2/apps/90291bd7-ce52-43ee-aaa1-ed0405863c4a/stats
   "0": {
      "state": "RUNNING",
      "stats": {
         "name": "fizzbuzz",
         "uris": [
         "host": "",
         "port": 61015,
         "uptime": 1489673,
         "mem_quota": 1073741824,
         "disk_quota": 1073741824,
         "fds_quota": 16384,
         "usage": {
            "time": "2015-09-29 02:36:12 +0000",
            "cpu": 0.003104336638753874,
            "mem": 546877440,
            "disk": 187445248

# Step 3 - Locate DEA Job that maps to the DEA IP from previous step

ubuntu@pivotal-ops-manager:~$ bosh vms
Acting as user 'director' on 'microbosh-38a3a7433db69fa7d159'
Deployment `cf-938e3d9bec67dbffeacc'

Director task 178

Task 178 done

ubuntu@pivotal-ops-manager:~$ bosh vms --details
Acting as user 'director' on 'microbosh-38a3a7433db69fa7d159'
Deployment `cf-938e3d9bec67dbffeacc'

Director task 179

Task 179 done

| Job/index                                                      | State   | Resource Pool                                                | IPs            | CID                                     | Agent ID                             | Resurrection |
| ccdb-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                          | running | ccdb-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                          | | vm-df650acf-88e9-4b1a-b68e-a2ff11b47a65 | 1e315067-aef5-4f5d-ad00-50b492f98085 | active       |
| clock_global-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                  | running | clock_global-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                  | | vm-f905d0b1-d4f4-4646-826b-6255e19fc0f0 | 992e57f7-003b-42f2-9818-3db5d4a64402 | active       |
| cloud_controller-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0              | running | cloud_controller-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a              | | vm-29aeeadb-b9c3-4ca2-ab32-49573e957697 | 413a5a5f-06f4-4359-9074-13d3bbd11e35 | active       |
| cloud_controller_worker-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0       | running | cloud_controller_worker-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a       | | vm-ded90340-de9f-4d15-8ac4-540669395d8a | 300814cb-6f23-4068-86ba-b6569bedf259 | active       |
| consoledb-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                     | running | consoledb-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                     | | vm-9ef7f4fe-f6a9-4bab-89cb-0942d499e40c | bef26f14-cb91-4bbe-bc1d-3d2d27368ba6 | active       |
| consul_server-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                 | running | consul_server-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                 | | vm-e57e77dd-25c6-4d3f-a440-4dd0b31d28f2 | af13ba63-068f-4ee8-bd8a-48b02438767e | active       |
| dea-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                           | running | dea-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                           | | vm-699ed235-f7f4-4094-a92e-963ef726b1d6 | 437bbc76-7d1c-4ce9-916d-4e6a6355537f | active       |
| dea-partition-ee97ca1101e7cc2c048a/0                           | running | dea-partition-ee97ca1101e7cc2c048a                           | | vm-91378b2c-7592-4b14-9f73-07c57043fe75 | 561899ad-00d4-4eec-a7f3-a1e8e9c84e10 | active       |
| doppler-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                       | running | doppler-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                       | | vm-7ca4b286-13d9-4d84-aec0-8a1fcdf81cae | 4f243e01-2c89-4f77-8a37-31b8b0c5f1c8 | active       |
| doppler-partition-ee97ca1101e7cc2c048a/0                       | running | doppler-partition-ee97ca1101e7cc2c048a                       | | vm-150f7c12-2bf9-4da3-bfec-8e342051a203 | f454702e-db36-4e37-a02d-3c44e1c57822 | active       |
| etcd_server-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                   | running | etcd_server-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                   | | vm-fe166f4f-e060-407d-8ba1-74d50f17e22e | 1ea07f41-aa95-4ef0-9a3a-8a7a90886b1c | active       |
| ha_proxy-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                      | running | ha_proxy-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                      | | vm-1fb87e81-d1cd-4abe-82fc-91bddf9e99dc | 2d4a5048-9a9d-4a8f-bf34-0967b8f0bbf5 | active       |
| health_manager-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                | running | health_manager-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                | | vm-9e84e893-22a2-45c4-8f49-bcd65013494a | 7e4ce9e1-d5e9-4ec8-9ba0-2b9885a20fd5 | active       |
| loggregator_trafficcontroller-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0 | running | loggregator_trafficcontroller-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a | | vm-f3d7075b-f3b6-4ea0-8307-590ee63e7bf3 | 7bf8256d-903f-4ce0-b56e-8f88c00c80ea | active       |
| loggregator_trafficcontroller-partition-ee97ca1101e7cc2c048a/0 | running | loggregator_trafficcontroller-partition-ee97ca1101e7cc2c048a | | vm-f4ed6afa-2073-47b0-8ae3-d9a08e85a209 | 0df8b5e8-e539-471f-ac0d-4e6d68c79c09 | active       |
| mysql-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                         | running | mysql-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                         | | vm-a73374e9-ffd8-4cd3-8bb4-519d35778143 | c4da718c-0964-4004-82b8-58c3341e8cb9 | active       |
| mysql_proxy-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                   | running | mysql_proxy-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                   | | vm-e94670b3-3754-40f6-b86b-3dcf88d8542e | 06a3c9ae-3e64-4eec-82e7-0c91be97e81c | active       |
| nats-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                          | running | nats-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                          | | vm-9b9855f5-3e5f-4de8-872b-347fbc56c984 | 4e621e1a-718a-4c55-931f-2c7b68504d80 | active       |
| nfs_server-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                    | running | nfs_server-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                    | | vm-a28bad65-4fac-40ac-a383-4b30725966e1 | f02359a8-5c03-4942-ab6c-5ac32c536d6a | active       |
| router-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                        | running | router-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                        | | vm-5b00e6db-669d-4115-b786-5c0b6c5b6c78 | 82111c58-b944-4099-8f56-5ec6b195e54a | active       |
| uaa-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                           | running | uaa-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                           | | vm-aab6ab86-3eca-490d-aa7a-9d720b057721 | 5e95d2f3-f871-4a0c-ae81-ee1effb5fa1a | active       |
| uaadb-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0                         | running | uaadb-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a                         | | vm-a472fe4e-40d8-4c3f-a95a-e6e8e521cf86 | 336af737-8bc1-4f62-bd40-ae3b63f85637 | active       |

VMs total: 22

In our case the DEA Job is  *dea-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0*

# Step 4 Login into the DEA VM

ubuntu@pivotal-ops-manager:~$ bosh ssh dea-partition-0d7a243620d08147fd3a/0 --public_key y.pub
Acting as user 'director' on deployment 'cf-938e3d9bec67dbffeacc' on 'microbosh-38a3a7433db69fa7d159'
Enter password (use it to sudo on remote host): ********
Target deployment is `cf-938e3d9bec67dbffeacc'

see https://github.com/cloudfoundry/bosh-lite/issues/134  if stuck on bosh ssh

# Step 5 Locate the warden container path

If you grep for `fizzbuzz`and the instance port gleaned from step-2 in the list below you will find the following 

"warden_container_path": "/var/vcap/data/warden/depot/18tlhc59f3v",

bosh_yms06qjkj@437bbc76-7d1c-4ce9-916d-4e6a6355537f:/var/vcap/data/warden/depot$ sudo cat /var/vcap/data/dea_next/db/instances.json

[sudo] password for bosh_yms06qjkj:
  "time": 1443494275.6732097,
  "instances": [

      "cc_partition": "default",
      "instance_id": "07a4a39d7ec14249863303246c73dfa2",
      "instance_index": 0,
      "private_instance_id": "5e15175c18644561828e52534b7c7a71fad5773f13b045058eaed76793618b1f",
      "warden_handle": "18tlhc59erj",
      "limits": {
        "mem": 512,
        "disk": 1024,
        "fds": 16384
      "health_check_timeout": null,
      "environment": {
        "CF_PROCESS_TYPE": "web"
      "services": [

      "application_id": "093a9e11-0b06-45f1-b3c4-e801ad0aca81",
      "application_version": "2febead7-c0fe-43a5-b4a4-724c5581c037",
      "application_name": "tmfnodetest",
      "application_uris": [
      "droplet_sha1": "fcba91c3099ba1218febfcb043d3792ccc9bba97",
      "droplet_uri": null,
      "start_command": null,
      "state": "RUNNING",
      "warden_job_id": 461,
      "warden_container_path": "/var/vcap/data/warden/depot/18tlhc59erj",
      "warden_host_ip": "",
      "warden_container_ip": "",
      "instance_host_port": 61127,
      "instance_container_port": 61127,
      "syslog_drain_urls": [

      "state_starting_timestamp": 1442435859.1693246

      "cc_partition": "default",
      "instance_id": "9383f43f0e3549ad9c29c511c5f4211e",
      "instance_index": 0,
      "private_instance_id": "23065b9faddb43d2ae296802c1db8cbdbf2a2d00dd2343849c8825bcfc7eb044",
      "warden_handle": "18tlhc59enu",
      "limits": {
        "mem": 1024,
        "disk": 1024,
        "fds": 16384
      "health_check_timeout": null,
      "environment": {
        "CF_PROCESS_TYPE": "web"
      "services": [
          "credentials": {
            "agent-name": "nginx-hello",
            "host-name": "ca-apm.springapps.io",
            "port": "5001"
          "options": {

          "syslog_drain_url": "",
          "label": "user-provided",
          "name": "ca_apm_10",
          "tags": [

      "application_id": "90291bd7-ce52-43ee-aaa1-ed0405863c4a",
      "application_version": "09f093ae-c9e8-46ba-89c8-e56d7b84b671",
      "application_name": "fizzbuzz",
      "application_uris": [
      "droplet_sha1": "e5fc94cc79eb72489e94c6b620887c5b72244b89",
      "droplet_uri": "http://staging_upload_user:c601ae7f5ae3745d40ee@",
      "start_command": null,
      "state": "RUNNING",
      "warden_job_id": 92,
      "warden_container_path": "/var/vcap/data/warden/depot/18tlhc59enu",
      "warden_host_ip": "",
      "warden_container_ip": "",
      "instance_host_port": 61015,
      "instance_container_port": 61015,
      "syslog_drain_urls": [
      "state_starting_timestamp": 1442004499.0728624


      "cc_partition": "default",
      "instance_id": "fa057152a7094ee6bfd0cd28c8cb76dc",
      "instance_index": 0,
      "private_instance_id": "18b2515c046742ae979fbfa58428120608960bc04f7444759983d1c91621e7da",
      "warden_handle": "18tlhc59f3v",
      "limits": {
        "mem": 1024,
        "disk": 1024,
        "fds": 16384
      "health_check_timeout": null,
      "environment": {
        "CF_PROCESS_TYPE": "web"
      "services": [

      "application_id": "d9969088-1f7b-40b3-a048-c71814d172c4",
      "application_version": "431e7f3d-774b-4c24-ad4e-c6fda884dab1",
      "application_name": "spring-music",
      "application_uris": [
      "droplet_sha1": "9e35ddfd97a7c1a32e2a69d5e1c5f90c6d4b7e06",
      "droplet_uri": "http://staging_upload_user:c601ae7f5ae3745d40ee@",
      "start_command": null,
      "state": "CRASHED",
      "warden_job_id": 1265,
      "warden_container_path": "/var/vcap/data/warden/depot/18tlhc59f3v",
      "warden_host_ip": "",
      "warden_container_ip": "",
      "instance_host_port": 61395,
      "instance_container_port": 61395,
      "syslog_drain_urls": [

      "state_starting_timestamp": 1443494262.4416354
  "staging_tasks": [


# Step 6 wsh into the warden container

bosh_yms06qjkj@437bbc76-7d1c-4ce9-916d-4e6a6355537f:/var/vcap/data/warden/depot$ cd 18tlhc59enu

bosh_yms06qjkj@437bbc76-7d1c-4ce9-916d-4e6a6355537f:/var/vcap/data/warden/depot/18tlhc59enu$ ls
bin  destroy.sh  etc  jobs  lib  mnt  net_rate.sh  net.sh  run  setup.sh  snapshot.json  start.sh  stop.sh  tmp

bosh_yms06qjkj@437bbc76-7d1c-4ce9-916d-4e6a6355537f:/var/vcap/data/warden/depot/18tlhc59enu$ sudo ./bin/wsh
wsh   wshd  

bosh_yms06qjkj@437bbc76-7d1c-4ce9-916d-4e6a6355537f:/var/vcap/data/warden/depot/18tlhc59enu$ sudo ./bin/wsh
root@18tlhc59enu:~# ls
root@18tlhc59enu:~# cd /home
root@18tlhc59enu:/home# cd vcap/
root@18tlhc59enu:/home/vcap# ls
app  logs  run.pid  staging_info.yml  tmp

root@18tlhc59enu:/home/vcap# ll
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 5 vcap vcap 4096 Sep 11 20:48 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 11 20:48 ../
drwxr--r-- 7 vcap vcap 4096 Sep 11 20:47 app/
-rw-r--r-- 1 vcap vcap  220 Apr  9  2014 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 vcap vcap 3637 Apr  9  2014 .bashrc
drwxr-xr-x 2 vcap vcap 4096 Sep 11 20:47 logs/
-rw-r--r-- 1 vcap vcap  675 Apr  9  2014 .profile
-rw------- 1 vcap vcap    3 Sep 11 20:48 run.pid
-rw-r--r-- 1 vcap vcap 2000 Sep 11 20:47 staging_info.yml
drwxr-xr-x 3 vcap vcap 4096 Sep 11 20:48 tmp/

# Step 7 - Now you are free to ftp files out or take heap dumps or thread-dumps

For instance to take a heapdump
root@18tlhc59enu:/home/vcap/app/.java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin# ll
total 384
drwxr-xr-x 2 vcap vcap   4096 Sep 11 20:47 ./
drwxr-xr-x 5 vcap vcap   4096 Sep 11 20:47 ../
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   8798 Jul 16 09:29 java*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   8909 Jul 16 09:29 jcmd*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   8909 Jul 16 09:29 jjs*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   8973 Jul 16 09:29 jmap*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   8981 Jul 16 09:29 jstack*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   8917 Jul 16 09:29 keytool*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   1146 Sep 11 20:47 killjava.sh*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   8981 Jul 16 09:29 orbd*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   8917 Jul 16 09:29 pack200*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   8917 Jul 16 09:29 policytool*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   8909 Jul 16 09:29 rmid*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   8917 Jul 16 09:29 rmiregistry*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   8917 Jul 16 09:29 servertool*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap   8989 Jul 16 09:29 tnameserv*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 vcap vcap 217462 Jul 16 09:29 unpack200*

root@18tlhc59enu:/home/vcap/app/.java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin# su vcap

vcap@18tlhc59enu:~/app/.java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin$ PID=` ps -ef | grep java | grep -v "bash\|grep" | awk '{print $2}'`
vcap@18tlhc59enu:~/app/.java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin$ echo $PID

vcap@18tlhc59enu:~/app/.java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin$ ./jmap -dump:format=b,file=/home/vcap/app/test.hprof $PID
Dumping heap to /home/vcap/app/test.hprof ...
Heap dump file created

vcap@18tlhc59enu:~/app/.java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin$ ls -al /home/vcap/app
total 230616
drwxr--r-- 7 vcap vcap      4096 Sep 29 03:06 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 vcap vcap      4096 Sep 11 20:48 ..
drwxr-xr-x 5 vcap vcap      4096 Sep 11 20:47 .java-buildpack
-rw-r--r-- 1 vcap vcap     82155 Sep 11 20:47 .java-buildpack.log
drwxr--r-- 3 vcap vcap      4096 Sep 11 20:46 META-INF
drwxr--r-- 3 vcap vcap      4096 Sep 11 20:46 my-resources
drwxr--r-- 3 vcap vcap      4096 Sep 11 20:46 org
-rw------- 1 vcap vcap 236032777 Sep 29 03:06 test.hprof
drwxr--r-- 5 vcap vcap      4096 Sep 11 20:46 WEB-INF

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