Java Buildpack Debugging - During Staging of an Application
The best technique to debug an application that fails during staging is to set the JBP_LOG_LEVEL env. variable to DEBUG and restage the set-env <APP> JBP_LOG_LEVEL DEBUG
Tomcat Container Debugging in Cloud Foundry
To enable system component logging of Tomcat from within the app. Place the following in the WEB-INF/classes dir. of your app.
handlers = com.gopivotal.cloudfoundry.tomcat.logging.CloudFoundryConsoleHandler
.handlers = com.gopivotal.cloudfoundry.tomcat.logging.CloudFoundryConsoleHandler
com.gopivotal.cloudfoundry.tomcat.logging.CloudFoundryConsoleHandler.level = FINE
org.apache.catalina.core.level = ALL
org.apache.catalina.realm.level = ALL
org.apache.catalina.authenticator.level = ALL
org.apache.catalina.session.level= ALL
This properties file relies on Tomcat to load the from both the conf directory and the application itself. Tomcat's implementation of the java.util.logging API is enabled by default, and supports per classloader configuration, in addition to the regular global java.util.logging configuration. This means that logging can be configured at the following layers:
- Globally. That is usually done in the
file. The file is specified by thejava.util.logging.config.file
System property which is set by the startup scripts. If it is not readable or is not configured, the default is to use the${java.home}/lib/
file in the JRE. - In the web application. The file will be
This technique allows you to get DEBUG level Tomcat container logs without forking (modifying java-buildpack/blob/master/resources/tomcat/conf/ the Java buildpack
Extending the Java Buildpack
Traditionally extending the Java Buildpack meant forking the buildpack. The recommendation is that fork changes should be kept at a minimum. JBP 3.0 introduced support for user configuration via environment variables. Where possible the modification to the java buildpack function should be done via environment variables. Fork changes should be restricted to features that absolutely cannot be implemented in an app like adding strong cryptography or adding certificates to the JVM keystore.
Buildpack configuration can be overridden with an environment variable matching the configuration file you wish to override minus the
extension and with a prefix of JBP_CONFIG
. The value of the variable should be valid inline yaml. For example, to change the default version of Java to 7 and adjust the memory heuristics apply this environment variable to the application. doccf set-env my-application JBP_CONFIG_OPEN_JDK_JRE '[jre: {version: 1.7.0_+}, memory_calculator: {memory_heuristics: {heap: 85, stack: 10}}]'
Common scenarios for Extending the Java Buildpack
1. Configuring LDAP Security to protect service endpoints with LDAP in Cloud Foundry
The LDAP connection and other configuration in an app can be done via a META-INF/context.xml.This technique allows context files to be packaged within WARs. In Tomcat, a Context represents a single web application. Tomcat uses the Context configuration element to contain information about components required by a given application, such as databases, realms, or custom loaders. Additionally, the Context element can be configured with a wide variety of attributes that control things such as logging, reload permissions, caching, and more.
Typically add the following in the web.xml
<web-resource-name> AppConfigResource</web- resource-name>
<url-pattern>/s-music/p/__admin/ console</url-pattern>
There needs to be a corresponding JNDIRealm definition in the application context. i.e. the META-INF dir. of the app should contain a context.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm"
connectionName="CN=Service Account\, ztcserver,OU=Service,OU=Accounts,OU=Administration,DC=rohitkelapure,DC=local"
When the JNDIRealm is not authenticating correctly it is very helpful to enable tomcat container logging for the org.apache.catalina.realm and org.apache.catalina.authenticator loggers.
Note the use of system properties in the context.xml. Tomcat supports parameter substitution in its configuration files using the ANT style ${var}. The variables available are pulled in via System.getProperties() automatically. Further you can push variables into this area from the command line using the -Dname=value option for the Tomcat launch. These system properties can be set when pushing the app using the JAVA_OPTS env. variable
Note the use of system properties in the context.xml. Tomcat supports parameter substitution in its configuration files using the ANT style ${var}. The variables available are pulled in via System.getProperties() automatically. Further you can push variables into this area from the command line using the -Dname=value option for the Tomcat launch. These system properties can be set when pushing the app using the JAVA_OPTS env. variable
cf se spring-music JAVA_OPTS "-DLDAP-url=ldap://,dc=com -DLDAPconnectPassword=passw0rd"
2. Adding SSLCerts to the JVM
Leverage the Java Buildpack resources support to override and add files into the buildpack. The JBP copy_resources support overlays the contents of the resources directory onto a component's sandbox.
To Add your own SSL certs to the Oracle JRE:
To Add your own SSL certs to the Oracle JRE:
mkdir -p resources/oracle_jdk_jre/lib/security/cacerts
Copy your certs into the newly created cacerts directory.
Copy your certs into the newly created cacerts directory.
3. Add strong JCE support to the JRE
mkdir -p resources/open_jdk_jre/lib/security/
Copy the local_policy.jar into the newly created security directory.
Copy the local_policy.jar into the newly created security directory.
4. Enable GC logging
- Uncomment and modify the value of the java_opts setting of the config/java_opts.yml file.
- As an example see
Upstream Maintenance of a forked Buildpack
Credit for this section goes to my colleague David Malone (@malonedave).
Pulling Upstream Changes into your fork of the JBP
- Configure Ruby to use your local Gem repo
- Install all of the necessary tools; Ruby, RVM, Bundler
- git clone
- cd java-buildpack
- git remote add upstream
- git pull upstream master
- git push origin master
Packaging the Java Buildpack
The offline package is a version of the buildpack designed to run without access to a network. It packages the latest version of each dependency (as configured in the
directory) and disables remote_downloads
. This package is about 180M in size. To create the offline package, use the OFFLINE=true
argument:- cd java-buildpack
- export BUNDLE_GEMFILE=$PWD/Gemfile
- bundle install
- bundle exec rake (runs all unit & integration tests)- requires CentOS
- bundle exec rake package VERSION=3.1 OFFLINE=true VERSION=MY_JBP_OFFLINE_3.1
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